OPES is additional support to 5 voivodships of Eastern Poland: lubelskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, świętokrzyskie and warmińsko-mazurskie. The Objective of this programme is to increase the competitiveness and innovation of Eastern Poland. . Approximately EUR 2 billion were allocated for its implementation from the European funds. Subsidies from Operational Programme Eastern Poland will be granted primarily to start-ups, enterprises (SMEs), innovation centers (such as science and technology parks, technology incubators) as animators of Start-up platforms for the new ideas, local government units and PKP PLK S.A.
Priority axes:
- Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland (EUR 719 million),
- Modern Transport Infrastructure (EUR 916 million),
- Supra-Regional Railway Infrastructure (EUR 330 million),
- Technical Assistance (EUR 34 million).
Method of financing depends mainly on the type of and the specific nature of the project.